- Meet the Artist -

All during my young life, I yearned to be able to draw. I would watch my friends be facile with pencils, pens and brushes and I would just smudge along, frustrated. It was only after I entered Medical School that I began to invest in the discipline of drawing. I began with silhouettes, since as two dimensional renditions, I could capture them. Soon, I began to appreciate perspective and values and was able to carry off more complex drawings. After taking my final elective in Surgery at Trinity College, Dublin, I traveled throughout Europe for three months and was embossed with a vivid appreciation of the power of color, studied color theory and so became a watercolorist and a pastelist. At the same time, I learned a minimalist style of cartooning that has led to the publication of several such books. Over the past few years, I have grown as a digital artist and enjoy depicting cryptographic puzzles in art, including those involving events in history. Most recently, I have become interested in the power of the frame to lend power to art and so have built a woodworking shop to be able to harness this element of the creative process.

I hope that you enjoy my work as much as I do creating it. All my best - Peter